Take note that a company can only submit a maximum of three projects. So it is important to choose the best THREE projects that the company is proud of being involved in

It is also important to clearly know under which category and which budget range you should submit your project in, as each project can only be submitted in one category and budget range

Before going online to submit, do look through what are all the requirements needed so that you are well prepared with all the materials in front of you, before proceeding to submit your entry.

High resolution photos, key points, End-User’s endorsements and Consultant’s endorsements are important aspects to qualify the submission. So, pay attention to these endorsements before submission

Clarity Plus Brevity: You are not writing a thesis!; and you are writing your points to those in the industry- so ensure you highlight just the gist: what were the challenges; solutions provided; interesting/new/innovative idea or technology, if any, that was implemented

Get the Judges’ attention: A long prose would put them to sleep!! But a cleverly written submission highlighting all the important aspects of the project will definitely catch their attention 🙂

Technical Aspects: Don’t forget the technical aspects as that is the most important part of your submission. Ensure you clearly highlight the technical aspects of the project – what was to be achieved and how was it achieved.

Supporting Visuals and Photos: As the Judges Panel will not be physically visiting the spaces, it is important that the supporting visuals are taken well to show what you have accomplished. Think of what you want to highlight to the judges and take the photos/prepare your visuals that will effectively convey that message.

MOST IMPORTANTLY – Time is precious for all, and more so in our space. So, start now to prepare for the submission because time really flies fast and work commitment eats away your time. Better yet appoint someone within your company to be responsible for the submission.