1. All submissions will be kept strictly confidential. The Judges Panel will judge on what is provided to them, with the submitting company’s details masked out to create level-playing field.
2. The Judges Panel will base its judgment on
- the innovation/ingenuity weaved into the AV
- the way the project challenges were addressed
- if the install/integration met the project objectives
- if the install/integration complied within the budget limitations
- the way the install/integration benefited the client
3. The Panel will award points through a weightage point system. Each Judge will independently provide the points for projects, which will then be collated by Spinworkz Pte Ltd to identify the winning and highly recommended projects(if any).
4. Weightage points include endorsements from clients and consultants (where involved)
5. Each category and/or budget will have a cut-off point for project information provision. If a project submission is found to be falling below the cut-off point, it will be taken out of consideration for the Award.
If none of the submissions qualify above the cut-off point for a particular category and/or budget, no Award will be given to that particular category and/or budget.
6. There must be a MINIMUM of TWO projects by two different companies submitted for each category and budget in order for judging to take place. If there are no minimum projects submitted, that category or budget range will not be judged. Not withstanding that, it is also up to the Judge’s discretion to award if there are only two projects to be judged – it should meet their criteria to be awarded.
7. The Judges Panel will be revealed only after the completion of the judging process.
8. The Judges Panel comprises experienced peers who may be well-known consultants or integrators from outside India. We will do our utmost to choose judges with no or minimal connection with Indian AV industry players so as to uphold the integrity of the Awards.
9. Please note that Systems Integration Asia, Spinworkz Pte Ltd and Shyamindira Media Networks have ZERO influence in the judging as we practice a completely hands-off approach. Having a project highlighted in our magazine does not in any way guarantee an Award as only your submission will be sent to the judges for evaluation.