#37 Krishna Janam Bhumi”


Between 5 crore INR and 10 crore INR (More than USD672,000 but less than USD1.35 million)


The project showcases a 30 minute long film on the life of Lord Krishna and his ideals on the facade of the Krishna Janam Bhoomi temple (literally translates to the Birthplace of Lord Krishna), which is a very iconic temple and is visited by millions of devotees every week. The show runs twice everyday in two different languages, English and Hindi.

We have used several technologies and story telling techniques to create a unique show for an audience of all age groups. Large format 4K RGB Laser projectors were used in an outdoor projection mapping project in India for the first time. The vibrancy and contrast of the RGB Laser technology combined with effects created by Lasers, LED Moving heads, Smoke machines and an immersive audio experience make it a treat for the senses.

The massive 320 ft wide and 80 ft high facade is lit up by more than 250,000 lumens of ultra bright projection. Multiple high powered gaming servers help throw an enormous 16K resolution video content which is a combination of Live shoots and 3D and 2D animations making it one of the largest projection mapping son et lumiere projects in the country.

What did the client want to achieve?

The client wanted a technology based fun, artistic and informative show which not only has a social message based on the ideals of Lord Krishna but also has a wow effect on an audience of all age groups.

Scope of work your company was involved in

Our scope of work included designing, supplying, installation, programming and commission of all hardware and software including but not limited to electrical works, civil works, audio and video content works and an operations and maintenance contract for 5 years.

What key challenges were faced?

The complexity of the facade was one of the major challenges we faced. The difference in depths between some parts of the facade compared to others were a difficult thing to deal with.

Another challenge that we faced were the weather conditions of the area as it is one of the hottest cities in the state with temperatures rising above 50 degrees in summer months.

How were those challenges resolved?

The challenges were taken up during the initial design phase of the project and were dealt with using a lot of testing and experiments on-site as well as using computer simulations by the team amounting to hundreds of hours of work.

How has your work helped the client?

The site being a prominent temple of the Hindu religion is one of the most visited spots in the entire state. Considering this the client was keen on developing a state of the art show that would attract even more pilgrims and tourists to the holy town of Mathura. Within a week of the launch of the show the client team noticed a big increase in the number of tourists per day during the closing hours of the temple which is when the show happens everyday. The clients were ecstatic with the response and love the show received.

What are you most proud of in relation to the project?

The amount of praise and love received by our company carrying out this project given the complexities and challenges and the wow reaction on the visitors faces fills our hearts with pride and joy.

List of KEY Brands and related Solutions (Models) that were defined for the project:

  • Projectors – CHRISTIE Griffyn 4k32-RGB Intelligent
  • Lighting – SHOLITE
  • Mapping Software – DATATON Watchout
  • Audio System – CSC Audio


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